Three Peaks of Lavaredo





Ciaspe Tre Cime di Lavaredo

The Tre Cime di Lavaredo are the most famous mountains in our area, although included in the territories of Auronzo di Cadore and Sesto di Pusteria, they can also be easily reached from Cortina. The itinerary with snowshoes that we propose, involves the ascent with the snowmobile service up to Rifugio Auronzo (in winter it will be open only on weekends) and the actual snowshoe hike will be towards rifuigo Lavaredo and then Forcella Lavaredo. Always check carefully the avalanche bulletin.

  • Duration
    4 h 30 m

  • Elevation Gain
    250 m

  • Mountain Group
    Tre Cime di Lavaredo

  • Attendance

Book your private Guide

Rely on professionals for a fun hike in safety.

Recommended period:

December - March

Current route state:


The price includes:

technical equipment, snowshoes and poles

Extra cost:

snowmobile 35 euro per person

Meeting place:

09:00 AM - Guide's Office (Corso Italia, 69/a)

4 people

People (max: 6):4


Price per person:100,00 €

Total:400,00 €

"The excursion at Tre Cime di Lavaredo is always a great experience, especially in winter."

Edoardo Valleferro